The following are some basic guidelines and common courtesies to follow for a “better quality of life” for you and your neighbors.
- Park within your own designated outlined parking space in both outdoor lots and the indoor garage.
- Park only in your own parking space.
- Indoor and outdoor parking spaces should be clear of any stored articles of any kind.
- Overnight visitors can contact Pelham Manor Police for permission to park on the street.
- For latest parking wait list please contact the management.
Garbage Disposal and Recycling
- Each tower has its own garbage and recycling rooms.
- All items for disposal should be placed inside the proper bins in the designated trash rooms.
- Larger items should be placed in the large garbage room in the garage.
- Pick up is every Tuesday and Thursday.
Laundry Room
- No smoking in the laundry room.
- All laundry carts should remain in the laundry room at all times for others to use.
- Make the washers and dryers clean and acceptable for the next person to use.
- Clean any messes made by yourself.
- Cigarettes should be disposed of in a proper receptacle not thrown in flower beds, yard or any common area.
Bulletin Board
- A bulletin board outside the laundry is available for postings by all residents.
- No flyers are to be posted in any other area of the building.
- Remove any outdated material.
Pooper Scooper Laws
- There is a pooper scooper and leash law in Pelham Manor.
- No pets should be allowed to use the front and backyards for urinating or defecating.
Repair Requests
- All repair requests should be directed to the Managing Agent or the Superintendent.
- It is suggested that if the superintendent is engaged for any personal services that he is compensated for his services.